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Virginia Man pleads Guilty to Targeting Anti-Gay Rights Supporters

March 21, 2013 08:03pm  
Virginia Man pleads Guilty to Targeting Anti-Gay Rights Supporters


A Virginia man pleaded guilty to injuring a security officer at the headquarters of a Washington-based conservative Christian lobbying group. The shooting made headlines in part because the gunman was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches—the popular fast-food restaurant that has been quite vocal on their discomfort with allowing gay marriage.
Floyd Corkins II, age 28, acknowledged in a plea that he intended to kill as many people as possible during the August shooting at the Family Research Council. Corkins also admitted to planning to kill members of other organizations that opposed gay marriage if he wasn’t stopped.
After murdering the anti-gay supporters, Corkin intended to smear the chicken sandwiches in the faces of his victims. While speaking to the court Wednesday Corkins disturbing and incredibly violent plans were attempting to eliminate ignorance in society.
According to the plea deal, Corkins told FBI agents who interviewed him following the shooting that he wanted to use the sandwiches as a symbol and statement against the individuals working in the Family Research Council building.
Prosecutors said that Corkins was permitted access to the downtown Washington D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council on August 15th after he said he was interviewing for an internship.
When Corkins was approached by a security guard and asked to show identification, he took a pistol from the backpack he was carrying and fired three of shots, one of which struck the security guard, Leonardo Johnson, in the arm. After being hit, Johnson managed to usurp the gun from Corkins and detain him.
Corkins admitted as part of the plea that he had taken several steps to plan the shooting. Corkins purchased the pistol the week before the shooting and spent several hours practicing with it. He also previously visited the Family Research Council’s downtown location and purchased the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches the day before the incident.
The plea agreement states that Corkins was actually filmed by a French T.V. crew while purchasing his gun—the French station was doing a piece on the ease with which Americans can purchase firearms in the states.
Corkins also acknowledged that he had planned on making a bomb but did not have the patience nor the resources to pull it off. While detained, police uncovered a handwritten list of groups that opposed gay marriage.
Corkins plead guilty to interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, act of terrorism while armed and assault with intent to kill while armed. The terrorist was charged was based on Corkin’s plan of intending to kill anyone associated or supporting of the Family Research Council and other organization that openly opposed gay marriage.
Sentencing is set for April 29th as Corkins faces a maximum of 10 years for interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition and up to 15 years for the other two counts.


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